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mESAdb is a regularly updated database for the multivariate analysis of sequences and expression of microRNAs from multiple taxa. mESAdb is modular and has a user interface implemented in PHP and JavaScript and coupled with statistical analysis and visualization packages written for the R language. read more...

Analysis Modules

motif & expression

[ Analyze selected miRNAs for tissue specific transcript abundance and coinertia analysis of conserved motifs.]
select a microarray data set:

expression & expression

[ Compare two different miRNA expression datasets against each other.]
select two datasets [manage datasets]

selected datasets

motif & function

[ Analyze selected miRNAs targets for HUGE, KEGG and GO enrichment.]
select organism: H. sapiens M. musculus D. rerio

select miRNA upon:

select region: nucleotides 1-8 nucleotides 8+ full sequence
Please enter an IUPAC motif:

microRNA search

Single microRNA search
enter a single miRNA name: (e.g. let-7e, miR-376a)
search organism: H. sapiens || M. musculus || D. rerio

GO domains:

see expression pattern of the miRNA in:

If you use mESAdb in your research, please cite the article below:
mESAdb: microRNA expression and sequence analysis database.
Kaya KD, Karakulah G, Yakicier CM, Acar AC, Konu O.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan;39(Database issue):D170-80.
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Copyright © 2010 Konu Lab - Bilkent University
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